
to value diversity
Many approaches on Diversity and Inclusion focus on statistics, quota and have not had the desired effects yet, despite the changes of law and policies. The key to unblock this dilemma is in you.  Inclusion is a daily practice and a conscious choice, just like brushing your teeth or eating.

On what basis do you make your choices?

I work as a senior associate with Pluribus Europe a Global Diversity & Inclusion specialist. We help organizations, teams and managers to create a culture of connectedness where the potential and differences of all employees are valued and respected. Many organizations recognize that the basis of their performance lies in the strength and quality of their people. More and more, formal efforts are being made to develop a strategic focus on diversity management.  For international companies spread across geographical areas with a large number of cultures, it is possible to maximize this de facto diversity by unlocking the human potential in their organizations.

Only optimizing the diversity of employees without an important change in thinking, attitudes and behavior is not sustainable. High-quality teams derive strength from mutual understanding, respect and shared goals that is enhanced through  inclusion. The richness of diversity can only be optimized by creating a culture of inclusion. That inclusive culture starts with you.

Get in touch to start creating it together.

Keep including with Corona …

From “Social Distancing” to “Social Inclusion”

The COVID-19 crisis has catapulted and accelerated many organisations into a new reality.
Disruptive Transformations will continue to arise, which will ask for new ways of operating and engaging.

Have you taken the time to think how you will continue to operate with teams and organisations post Corona?

Are you keen to capitalise on insights and learnings?

Do you care about how your employees have lived this experience?

Are you curious to know and understand their needs and how these will inform engagement and business results?

Get in touch to start creating it together.

You may also consider asking for more specific information on:

Inclusion and mBIT
How to include your own heart, head and gut intelligences is essential when having a diversity conversation. It helps to make effective business decisions and opens new perspectives. Because …is it really rational thinking that stops women having access to boards? Is it true that elderly people are less flexible than generation y? And how do you feel when excluded from a group you yearn to be part of?

Gender dialogue
It is an accessible workshop on the differences between male and female behaviours and communication styles. This workshop helps to appreciate the proven differences and creates better understanding and mutual respect.