Coaching & mBIT
Helping Leaders Fall in Love with Life AgainAs a coach I engage with you on an embodied level and work on the underlying reasons that might hinder you to live the life you want or achieve the successes you desire. This process can be as slow and as fast as you allow it to be to bring the change you want.
Get in touch
mBraining with mBIT
Why use only one brain if you have at least three?!
For those ready to transform themselves and their field of influence
We now live in times of massive acceleration of changes in demographic, economic, social, technological, ecological, and political areas, making business decisions more complex and volatile. The financial markets and the associated erratic movements and uncertainties also influence your decision making.
How can you keep up with that and stay true to your values?
More and more neuroscientific research shows that you are not only making decisions from the head, but that you are tapping into your intuitive awareness of the heart and abdomen level, especially in uncertain times and certainly as a leader. The better you know how to do that, the more persuasive and flexible you can develop as a leader.
What is mBIT Coaching?
mBraining is the process of aligning and harnessing the power of your multiple intelligences (head, heart and gut ‘brains’) through a series of practical coaching methods and exercises: multiple Brain Integration Techniques (mBIT®).
Each multiple intelligence has a competency or ‘highest expression’ that produces synergistic effects and brings greater wisdom to decision-making, relationships and life. These highest expressions are compassion (cardiac – heart), creativity (cephalic – head) and courage (enteric – gut).
mBraining coaching was created by Marvin Oka and Grant Soosalu and builds upon the practices of neuroscience, neuro-linguistic programming (NLP), cognitive linguistics, positive psychology and behavioural modelling to create a practical integrated approach that brings immediate results. mBraining places our olfactory and gustatory senses at the centre of coaching in contrast to neuro-linguistic programming, which focuses on visual, auditory and kinaesthetic senses.
mBIT®’s ground-breaking coaching methods supports clients to eliminate “stuckness”, remove blockages over goals, face unknown fears, quieten internal chatter, connect with their inner self, improve confidence, discover authentic desires and ultimately reach their peak performance.
‘The brain is a far more open system than we ever imagined, and nature has gone very far to help us perceive and take in the world around us. It has given us a brain that survives in a changing world by changing itself’.
Norman Doidge
What would it be like if you could come to sustainable decision-making based on a simple framework?
My coaching integrates wisdom traditions, and neuroscience and is based on 25 years of working in the field with international business leaders and politicians. As a mBIT master coach and trainer I use various techniques that enhance your intuitive skills and encourage integral decision-making in your daily life. This offers practical and accessible perspectives that are directly applicable in your communication. You make active use of the various innate intelligences to make decisions that fit your purpose.
Book your session in Dutch, English, French or Italian. Whatever suits you best!
Or Read On!
If you are facing
- Transitions, career changes, international moving
- Loss, new phases of life,
- External challenges
- Inner resistance to transformation
- Obsolete behavioural patterns…
Are feeling
- an internal urge to change things or to follow a gut feeling
- torn between what you really want and your actual situation
- insecure about yourself or your possibilities
- unsatisfied about your actual life or work,
- or scared to take the next step
Book your session by getting in touch
What clients say about Cécile Masson
First of all, I would like to express my gratitude and appreciation for the wonderful sessions I have had with you on the leadership program.
The session was nicely structured and complemented by practical examples, so thank you for being a loving and dedicated coach in every way. In this short period of time, I learned a lot, and now I have an entirely new perspective on leadership and its impact on achieving our objectives and goals.
I am so lucky to have a coach who inspires me every day to be better than the day before, and many thanks for taking the time to meet with me and give me some regular and quick feedback. I can see the remarkable progress we have made under your guidance. You’re awesome!
J. Ayobi UNHCR
Met heel mijn hart dank ik jou voor jouw wijsheid en liefde. Dankzij jou heb ik mezelf bereikt. Een groter compliment kan ik je niet wensen.
With all my heart I thank you for your wisdom and love. Thanks to you I came back to myself. I cannot wish you a greater compliment.
Manon Wagenaar, DNB
Cécile is voor mij een heel waardevolle coach op de (door)ontwikkeling in mijn leiderschapsstijl. Ze houdt me elke keer weer scherp op de zoektocht en inzet van mijn kernkwaliteiten, ook en juist vanuit mijn vrouw-zijn. Ze laat me telkens weer zien en voelen dat waarden die daarbij horen van wezenlijke betekenis zijn voor de toekomst van deze planeet. Duurzame waarden die ons als mensheid een toekomst geven op onze planeet vragen een leiderschapsstijl en -focus waarbij onderwerpen en waarden als duurzaamheid, integriteit, geluk, gezondheid, rechtvaardigheid, zorg, onderwijs, biodiversiteit en diversiteit voorop staan. En ja, natuurlijk, dat kunnen ook mannen vertolken. En toch, als vrouwen hebben we een achterstand in te halen en is het geen usance in de huidige masculiene politiek dat de waarden die ik noemde voorop staan. Cécile zal elk (coachings)moment aangrijpen om me te helpen in te voelen dat deze waarden door ons als vrouwen ‘bevochten’ mogen worden. En Cecile zou nu zeggen: moeten worden! Na elke meeting met Cécile voel ik me mn kracht staan en ben ik weer stukje verder gegroeid. De internationale contacten die Cécile heeft maakt dat ze veel zaken in een universeel en internationaal kader kan plaatsen en dat relativeert en sterkt tegelijkertijd.
Anita Pijpelink Lid van de Gedeputeerde Staten Zeeland
In recent years, we met regularly with a group of female directors to exchange experiences and to explore certain subjects in greater depth. You have meticulously prepared and supervised these meetings, often with very diverse themes. We keep excellent memories of these meetings and would like to sincerely thank you. We would recommend you to anyone looking for an expert and committed coach who combines good listening with great business knowledge and social insight. (Translation and extract of original reference)
Participants in Circle
Carla Schönknecht, lid Gedeputeerde Staten (Member of Provincial Executive)
Letty Demmers, waarnemend Burgermeester Noord Beveland (Mayor)
Ger van de Velde, Burgmeester Tholen (Mayor)
Loes Meeuwissen, Wethouder Goes (Alderwoman)
Jacqueline van Burg, Wethouder Schouwen Duivenland (Alderwoman)
Rian de Feijter, bestuurslid Waterschap Scheldestroom (Boardmember)
Barbara Oomen, Hoogleraar University College Roosevelt (Professor)
Helderheid, kracht, en een heel pure, vriendelijke, aanwezigheid. Een kijken vanuit wijsheid en diep weten.
Er ontstaat als vanzelf een uitnodiging de eigen potentie naar voren te laten komen, die wacht op zichtbaarheid omdat Cécile deze in alle natuurlijkheid spiegelt.
Eigenlijk kom je er niet onder uit de eigen kracht te gaan voelen en te erkennen. Dit is omdat in Cécile’s aan-wezigheid de authentieke zielskwaliteit aangesproken wordt op een laag waar alleen ‘ja’ bestaat.
Een ziel wil graag stralen
Ellen Harmsma, Kunstenaar en meubelmaker
Je recommande madame Cécile Masson à toute entreprise souhaitant efficacement intégrer ses employés originaires d’autres pays…
“Avec le soutien de Cécile, je travaille maintenant essentiellement sur ce que je considère la clé de l’épanouissement professionnel à l’étranger: m’inclure progressivement dans un nouvel environnement tout en restant moi-même. Entre autres:
- Faire des choix lors de situations difficiles, en me recentrant sur mes valeurs et me convictions.
- Résoudre les conflits et atteindre son objectif.
- Gérer les situations de stress
Valentine Metz, Technical Department Manager, Zeeland Refinery
She is professional in her work, she challenges and supports, provides flexibility that busy schedules sometimes need and is a pleasure to work with.
Graham Tiley, General Manager, Shell exploitation and Production Algeria
Cecile is a professional coach and mentor that helped me in my journey of re-inventing my career. She guided my thinking process and helped me untangle my thoughts, identifying and recognising my true value to bring out my unique (leadership) potential. She created a safe space for me to share my thoughts, and actively listen to what concerns me the most, her suggestion on how to walk through these concerns, works effectively. I can testify that she really has the experience and passion in helping other people to discover their true selves. My time was well spent. Thanks Cecile for helping me out to be more confident in setting my future career.
Intan Meirina