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CIYO France

Moulin de Pont Rû

Coming Into Your Own Women's Leadership Retreat For women ready to lead with clarity and purpose. WHEN: OCT 17-20, 2023 WHERE: Moulin de Pont Rû - Val d'Oise FACULTY: Virginie Allard, Virginie Collineau, and Cécile Masson LEARN MORE

Free In Person Proeferij

Huis Leyduin Vogelenzang

This free session is open to all women who would like to nourish their own inner leadership journey with inspiration, dialogue and appreciation of what life has on offer. Not only will you get a feel of what makes the Coming Into Your Own program so unique – we will make this an interactive session […]

Leading From Within

A one-day retreat that helps you center yourself again in these uncertain times and that brings you insights in how to lead from within. WHERE: Ieper, Belguim FACULTY: CÉCILE MASSON AND MAIJA VAN LANGENDONCK